Campsite by Seasonal Stream to Vermilion Valley Resort
Another good night sleep on a nice flat tent site. I awoke just after 6:00 AM excited to get going. Today we hike under 7 miles and go to Vermilion Valley Resort, a place on Edison Lake that caters to PCT and JMT hikers.
We must have been excited because we were all ready to hike before 7:30 AM, almost 30 minutes faster than other mornings.
We must have been excited because we were all ready to hike before 7:30 AM, almost 30 minutes faster than other mornings.
The hike started out climbing over 800 feet in the first 1.5 miles. Share Bear had a little zip in her step this morning. As soon as we hit the climb she took off and we didn't see her till the top. As we climbed a mountain view appeared in the distance:
Today we didn't mind the climb since there was a reward at the end of the hike, VVR that promises good food, flushable toilets, free first beer, and possibly a bed.
After the climb the trail leveled out for a while and then headed down for about 4 miles. Man...I sure don't like long downs. Well, I like them, my knees and legs don't. One good thing about the down hill...there was a PCT sign:
After the climb the trail leveled out for a while and then headed down for about 4 miles. Man...I sure don't like long downs. Well, I like them, my knees and legs don't. One good thing about the down hill...there was a PCT sign:
We finally made it down the long hill into a valley with beautiful tall trees:
Finally, just 2.5 hours after starting out we made it to the trail junction to Lake Edison and the ferry:
We now had to take this trail 1.41 miles. Knowing that we would have to return the same way, we all hoped for a nice, easy trail. Although there were some ups and downs, it wasn't bad and the trail was beautiful:
After less than 30 minutes we arrived at the lake. There was a sign that said the ferry ran at 9:45 AM and 4:45 was now 10:30 AM. I wasn't worried since I talked to different hikers on the trail and they all said they took a ferry at all different times, so I hiked on to the ferry stop. When I got there Share Bear was right behind and asked if I saw the sign. She was worried that we would have to wait all day for the ferry. I told her not to worry, a ferry will show soon. But she was still worried:
Sure enough, a ferry showed up just 15 minutes later followed by another one 10 minutes after that.
The 3 of us loaded into the boat and were off.
The 3 of us loaded into the boat and were off.
The ride across Lake Edison took about 30 minutes, so we sat back and enjoyed the ride.
When we were almost there, the other boat passed us and we recognized the 2 hikers onboard as River Pants and Jim. We have been leapfrogging them for the past 7 days hiking, and now they leapfrogged us in a boat...pretty funny.
We arrived at VVR and immediately set up a tab. All hikers' first beer is free, but there was no beer since the truck hasn't showed up, so we decided to wait. We shopped the limited store for food to get us to Mammoth Lake in two days. We then checked out the beds and decided they were worth $15 each instead of sleeping in our tents.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing in the shade on this little picnic table talking with River Pants and Jim waiting for dinner time at 5:30 PM.
We arrived at VVR and immediately set up a tab. All hikers' first beer is free, but there was no beer since the truck hasn't showed up, so we decided to wait. We shopped the limited store for food to get us to Mammoth Lake in two days. We then checked out the beds and decided they were worth $15 each instead of sleeping in our tents.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing in the shade on this little picnic table talking with River Pants and Jim waiting for dinner time at 5:30 PM.
Yippee...the beer truck arrived!
It was finally dinner time. We were told that we came at the perfect time because they have a guest chef in the kitchen, Fishhead. We never heard of him but was promised that he could cook.
The menu had about 8 items. I couldn't choose between the salmon tacos or the fish and chips, so I ordered both. The waiter didn't bat an eye when I ordered two must happen a lot with hikers.
Here is a picture of my dinner before I managed to finish them both:
The menu had about 8 items. I couldn't choose between the salmon tacos or the fish and chips, so I ordered both. The waiter didn't bat an eye when I ordered two must happen a lot with hikers.
Here is a picture of my dinner before I managed to finish them both:
Tomorrow we will eat breakfast here and then hopefully get an early ferry back to the trail. We have 28 miles, and 2 days to hike to Mammoth Lakes where Tim is, so I am anxious to get there.
But first, I hope to enjoy sleeping in a comfy bed for tonight.
But first, I hope to enjoy sleeping in a comfy bed for tonight.