Campsite at Moosehead Creek to Ash Camp Campground
We did it. We hiked 23.64 miles and made it to Ash Camp Campground. Quite impressive considering I am fighting a bad cold and Brad is having foot and ankle problems.
I guess I should begin and the beginning of the day. I awoke just before 6:00 AM from a restless night as expected when you have a cold. Also in the middle of the night Brad was making a lot of noise and had his light on for a while. I had no idea why, but in the morning found out that there was a mouse trying to eat through his bags and get to food. If it was me I would have screamed and woken everyone up.
After the typical morning ritual and saying goodbye to Puck, we were ready to hike just before 7:30 AM.
I guess I should begin and the beginning of the day. I awoke just before 6:00 AM from a restless night as expected when you have a cold. Also in the middle of the night Brad was making a lot of noise and had his light on for a while. I had no idea why, but in the morning found out that there was a mouse trying to eat through his bags and get to food. If it was me I would have screamed and woken everyone up.
After the typical morning ritual and saying goodbye to Puck, we were ready to hike just before 7:30 AM.
We were lucky to start today's hike under the canopy of a pine forest since it was already warm at 7:30 AM.
About 9:15 AM we popped out of the trees and was welcomed with an incredible view:
As expected we also has a view of Mount Shasta that keeps getting bigger and closer:
As usual, we stopped for our 5-mile shoes-off break around 9:30 AM. In my opinion, this break is one of the more important ones of the day...I just love it.
After the break the hike resumed along a ridge. It was kind of warm, but there were plenty of trees to catch some shade whenever we needed it. In this photo you can see the ridge in the distance that we are headed to. Oh, and check out the clouds. We haven't had those around us for a while.
We stopped for lunch after about 11 miles and came across a deer. Of course it left after it saw us, but then it came back soon after and went straight to where I peed and licked it up. We had heard that deer likes the taste of urine and now we have proof:
After lunch we continued along a ridge, but now the clouds had moved in and the temperature was much more comfortable.
Just before 4:00 PM we met Autumn Leaves hiking southbound. We actually started in Canada 2 months ago and is attempting to make it to Mexico. He is our first southbound thru-hiker we have come cool!
Right at Deer Creek we came across another deer. This area is just so awesome.
Check out these huge leaves. They make Share Bear look tiny.
The late afternoon was amazing. The trail had a downward trend and went through a pine forest with some huge trees and lots of streams. Plus, there was a nice breeze to make things even better.
It actually got pretty late before we made it to camp. We popped out on a road just before the campground after 8:00 PM.
We made it to our camp about 8:20 PM. The hike today was beautiful, but with this darn cold it wasn't easy. Climbing hills hurt my throat and make me cough...not good. Somehow I still have energy so that's good. It's now been 4 days since I have been hiking with a cold and each day doesn't seem like I'm getting any better. Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll wake up a little better. I just need to see an end to this cold coming to make me feel better.
Tim will be meeting is here tomorrow morning, so I do have that to look forward to. Until then...
Tim will be meeting is here tomorrow morning, so I do have that to look forward to. Until then...