Today's touring was very similar to yesterday's - we're not so much tourists now, but pretending we live here, and are spending a Saturday wandering around Osaka. The weather is nice, so let's do this.
Going to a hood where modern is becoming modern-cutting-edge...
At a Mazda showcase display in the lobby of one of the skyscrapers - our new ride, now how do we get it home...
Reaching for the heavens, glass and steel...
There's also a brewery nearby.
Too much beer?, no, no, not even close - we like to do a little geocaching here and there, eureka, she found it.
This shiny beast has a village skyline perched on top.
Heading into the base of another skyscraper, we find a pin-pong tournament about to kick off... the basement complex, a conference center featuring a timely topic.
Let the games begin!
More breweries...
Tim gets BBQ at Brewpub Centerpoint, it was okay (below left) - but, if you want excellent BBQ outside of the USA try Split, Croatia, Baraka BBQ & Brew Bar - he always goes back to that BBQ comparison when on foreign shores.
Round houses to the right...
It's early evening on a Saturday night, time to take the cardboard to the recycler.